Date & Horaires
📅 7 et 8 décembre
⏰ à partir de 9h
Plus d’informations
📍Stade Ernest Wallon
114 Rue des Troènes,
31200 Toulouse
The 2021 edition of the workshop “ICT for RAILWAYS” will be held on 7 and 8 December in Toulouse (France). It is organized by CENELEC TC 9X in collaboration with BNF, TOTEM Cluster, and Mobility Show Solutions which will host the event.
This will be a hybrid event, held face-to-face at the Toulouse Rugby Stadium Congress Centre and on-line with live conferences streaming. The workshop can be attended free of charge, but for organisational reasons, booking is mandatory, through the above-mentioned Web site. Safety and sanitary measures will apply; access will be granted only after validation of EU digital COVID certificate.
“Despite the difficulties of this period, we were able to organise a rich programme, as it was for the past editions” said Mr. Umiliacchi, coordinator of the workshop.
The workshop will see the participation of main organisations in the railway sector, including the European Commission (DG MOVE and DG CLIMA), Shift2Rail, UNIFE, UIC, UITP, SNCF, Czech Railways, Infrabel, Alstom, Siemens, Leroy Automation and many other stakeholders (industries and research centres).
This will allow attendees to get insights of the policies, technologies and standards, which will drive railway evolution in the next years. After a round table between some of the main railway organisations, 27 technical presentations will address topics like sustainability, digitalisation, innovation and new products/services in the railway sector.
The workshop is held every other year since 2011. Previous editions have been held in Naples (2019) and, under the title “ICT on TRAINS”, in Brussels (2017), Birmingham (2015), Milan (2013) and Prague (2011).
The initiative is completely self-financed through sponsorships. This year edition is supported by 11 sponsors, including platinum sponsor FERROCAMPUS, a recently founded initiative providing services to railway companies, and gold sponsors UNIFE, CLEARSY and IXBLUE. The complete list of partners is published in the Web site.
Do not miss this reference event in the area of Information and Communication technologies in the railway sector. BOOK NOW!
The full program of the workshop and all necessary information are published in the website: www.ict-for-railways.eu.